Review examines 96 cases involving histopathological differentiation between palmar psoriasis, hand eczema

A recent paper describes the histopathological differences among 96 patients with palmar psoriasis, hand eczema, and hyperkeratotic hand dermatitis, which the paper notes have been poorly described in the past.

The study demonstrates that there is a significant difference in the thickness of the granular layer between palmer psoriasis and hand eczema. This may help in diagnosis of these two conditions. There was no significant differences noted between palmer psoriasis and hyperkeratotic hand dermatitis.

Read the review at the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. (Requires subscription to view the full article.)

Work Cited:
The histopathological differentiation between palmar psoriasis and hand eczema: A retrospective review of 96 cases, Park, Jun Yeong et al., Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Volume 77, Issue 1, 130 – 135