Study tests the use of Eczema Action Plans (EAPs) to improve parental understanding of treatment regimens in pediatric atopic dermatitis (AD)

An action plan for atopic dermatitis (AD) similar to The Asthma Action Plan recommended to patients in an effort to improve their adherence to treatment plans, may also be helpful to patients with the skin condition.

In a study to determine whether a plan for eczema would improve quality of life and treatment regimens for AD, “subjects reported a significant increase in comfort with self-management of AD with use of an [Eczema Action Plan] when compared with verbal instruction alone.”

Read more about this study at the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. (Open Access.)

Work Cited:
Use of Eczema Action Plans (EAPs) to improve parental understanding of treatment regimens in pediatric atopic dermatitis (AD): A randomized controlled trial, Gilliam, Amy E. et al., Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Volume 74, Issue 2, 375 – 377.e3