Analysis of 2001-2013 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey explores racial and ethnic differences in health care utilization for childhood eczema

Past studies have suggested differences in prevalence and severity of eczema by race/ethnicity. This new study evaluated health care utilization for childhood eczema among different racial/ethnic groups in the United States.

The cohort study included non-Hispanic white as the control, non-Hispanic black and Hispanic white individuals under the age of 18 with reported eczema from the 2-year longitudinal cohorts of the 2001-2013 Medical Expenditure Panel Surveys.

The findings suggest disparities in health care utilization among non-Hispanic black children.

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Work Cited:
Racial and ethnic differences in health care utilization for childhood eczema: An analysis of the 2001-2013 Medical Expenditure Panel Surveys, Fischer, Alexander H. et al., Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Volume 77, Issue 6, 1060 – 1067