The International Eczema Council: Expert panel agrees to broaden AD recommendations

In a response to the “Comments on: ‘When does atopic dermatitis warrant systemic therapy? Recommendations from an expert panel of the International Eczema Council,’” the writers of the original article agreed with the recommendation to assess mental health comorbidities in patients with atopic dermatitis (AD), such as depression and anxiety.

The response article agreed with comments on the growing evidence that AD is a “systemic disorder” and affects the whole body even in the presence of clinically normal-looking skin. The group concluded that due to the presence of inflammation in people with AD, the brain can be affected, which can contribute to a greater risk for developing neuropsychiatric disorders.

Read the response at the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. (Open Access)

Work Cited:
Response to “Comment on: ‘When does atopic dermatitis warrant systemic therapy? Recommendations from an expert panel of the International Eczema Council’” Simpson, Eric L. et al., Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Volume 79, Issue 2, e25-e26