Atopic dermatitis: Risk factors for disease development

The development of atopic dermatitis (AD) is suggested to be highly influenced by a family history of atopy and loss of function mutations in the FLG gene.

Around 70% of AD patients have a positive family history of atopic diseases – in children with one atopic parent, the chances of AD is 2-to-3 fold higher, and in children with two atopic parents, it increases to 3-to-5 fold.

Mutations in the FLG gene pose the risk for earlier-onset AD as well as more severe and persistent disease.

While the type of delivery in childbirth does not seem to affect AD risk, higher birth weights could be a risk factor for AD.

Gender does not appear to be a risk factor, however, being of black race appears to increase the risk.

Not enough evidence exists yet to determine whether any specific dietary measures are preventative for AD.

Read more about risk factors for disease development at the American Academy of Dermatology.